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Technische Universität Wien

About Technische Universität Wien

Technische Universität Wien  (TU Wien) was founded in 1815 and is Austria's leading research and higher education institution for natural sciences and engineering with nearly 30,000 students and about 4,800 employees. It comprises eight faculties: Mathematics and Geoinformation, Physics, Technical Chemistry, Informatics, Civil Engineering, Architecture and Planning, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology. The statement of the TU Wien is "Technology for People". The goal is to develop scientific excellence through research and thus strengthen the comprehensive competence. As one of the leading research universities in Europe, its focus is not only on the balance between basic and applied research, but also on the high quality of results from excellent research and close cooperation with industry.

Role in project

Participation and contribution to the research, innovation and training activities as planned in the project. Co-supervision and PhD enrollment of PhD student 10 hosted at DUK.