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PhD student 2: Microscopic Characterization of Thermomagnetic bulk and thin film materials

Øyvind Rørbakken

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The local environment of magnetic moments in thermo-magnetic materials determines their magnetic response. Neutrons, positrons and Mössbauer spectroscopy are to be employed for an in depth study of this local environment. Neutron diffraction will be used on bulk materials, while positron and Mössbauer spectroscopy is suited for both bulk and thin film samples. Important feedback will be given to WP2 &3. During secondments the student will learn about macroscopic measurements and device performance.

Expected Results

• Better understanding of correlations between magnetic, electronic and lattice degrees of freedom.
• Improved fundamental understanding of the physics that drives the extraordinary response of TM materials in external magnetic fields.

Work Package


Beneficiary Host Institution

Associated Partners - Secondments